• 285-3491 FREEDOM Four Axis Buckle

  • $3.00


 1 piece plastic Buckle to hold your Drone in place on the FREEDOM Airplane and help Support the Planes Wing

  • A Plastic 4 Axis Buckle- This piece has a specific top side. The wide flat edge is the top side, that will support the Wing when installed just under the Wing.


  1. Make sure that you have the 4 Axis Buckle oriented so the wide flat edge is facing up, to help support the Wing when it goes on. Carefully press the two male clip ends on the 4 Axis Buckle thru the two holes in the body that are made for them. The body has a strip of strengthening plastic running down both sides of it where the holes are located to help protect the foam as you insert, and clip this attachment down tight. Use the tweezers to squeeze the attachment tight.


       2. Just to make sure it fits correctly, and you have tried it once. Attach               the Drone to the Buckle, White Rotor Blades on Top,and then attach the Tie Plate to the catches on the Buckle. It is easy to do now, but a bit more difficult once the Plane is built. If all seems good, remove the Tie Plate and Drone. Then finish building the plane.