LiteHawk STORM - First Flight
- If you've never fl own then the first thing you need to learn is throttle control. Slowly and carefully ramp up the throttle until the model starts to lift off , then as soon as the model leaves the ground, ease off the throttle gently and let it settle back down. If the hardware is working correctly the quad should remain fairly level, and shouldn't drift too far. Repeat this process, lift off gently and then land again, until you have a good feel for how much throttle is required to keep the model in the air. Try keeping it in the air a little longer - don’t worry about pitch, yaw and roll - all we care about right now is that the model stays at a steady height. Don’t go more than a meter off the ground. If the quad drifts too far, ease off the throttle and land it.
- Once you are able to hold the quad at a steady height, try moving the right stick gently to start controlling the model’s direction. If the STORM moves left, move the stick slightly to the right. If it starts moving towards you, push the stick up slightly. Get the feel for how the STORM moves around while using the right stick. Remember, if at any point the STORM moves out of position, especially if it starts coming towards you, cut the throttle immediately. Repeat this process until you are comfortable with how the right stick controls the STORM.
LiteHawk STORM - Post Flight
- Remove the battery from the model and allow it to cool for 10-15 minutes.
- Recharge the battery for at least 20 minutes if storing for more than 24 hours.
- Check the model for damage or any possible issue that may affect your next flight.